My goals:

  • To share my observations of the manic culture that is the American life.
  • To share ideas with others who share back.
  • And to expand my limited knowledge in the science that is Anthropology :)

Thursday, August 25, 2011

What is culture: Do I have one?

Relation to text: Robbins, page 5

So here is what's up. I'm currently taking a college course on cultural anthropology, and for one of my projects I have to maintain a blog on my observations of my own culture: academia. strenuous right? I mean, who wants to balance a project like that in between intensive science courses and whatnot? However, if I have to do it, then I'm certainly going to have fun with it. So I'll be here frequently to post my observations, hopefully intelligent ones, and hopefully you'll follow along and share a little of your knowledge with me as well!

Now: onto the good stuff. Robbins explains culture as a group of people within a certain society who view the world in the same way. I believe that culture is a utilitarian phrase, representative of many different ideas and practices. It's kind of like when people refer to their mp3 players as Ipods, even though they may be Sony or Microsoft brand. If someone has a unique way of going about something, and they exist within a modicum of other people who do similar or the same, then that person might call his practice a part of their culture. So, if my definition is in any way credible, then I belong to the culture of academia. Just like my roommates and fellow dorm-livers, I awake, rush to class, fill insane amounts of paper with notes, and engage in night-time debauchery. School is my source of activity, the system in which I place my faith, and the forum in which i shout my ideas: my culture.